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Battle of the Surfaces: Ernest Hemingway® Engineered Hardwood Floors

It’s time for another Battle of the Surfaces!

Last month, we asked you to vote for your favourite surface that was featured on Love It or List It Vancouver. The winner of our just-for-fun gold leaf trophy is the stunning master bedroom designed by Jillian Harris. The space includes a huge feature wall made with our eco-friendly Peel + Stick Reclaimed Wood.

Love It or List It Vancouver - Wall Feature


For more photos of the winning feature wall, click here.

And now for our next battle!

Introducing in the left corner: Ernest Hemingway engineered hardwood floors in the 2012 PNE Prize Home. And in the right corner: Ernest Hemingway engineered hardwood floors in the private residence “Dunlin Shore”.

Battle of the Surfaces, Ernest Hemingway engineered hardwood floors

You can cast your vote on our Facebook page here. Voting is open until the end of the month. 🙂